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Список бажань

Highlighting many examples of previously unseen and unusual garments from one of the preeminent kimono collections, this dazzling volume explores the Khalili Collection of kimono’s powerful selection of modernity and propaganda pieces from the first half of the 20th century.

One of the most recognizable aspects of Japanese culture, the kimono was once a vital everyday garment worn by adults and children across Japan. While the basic form of the T-shaped, straight-seamed, front-wrapping kimono has changed very little over the centuries, the onset of the twentieth century ushered in a variety of influences, including western-style clothing; a desire for practicality and comfort; the emergence of Japanese identity in the wake of World War II; pop culture; and high fashion.

Featuring more than 200 full color photographs and insightful commentary by Jacqueline Atkins, renowned textile historian, this volume introduces readers to the concepts of Omoshirogara kimono or “amusing/interesting garments,” and Sensōgara, or war/propaganda garments. It details changes in fabrics and production techniques and explores differences across gender and age.

A vibrant survey of an important and rarely covered aspect of Japanese culture, this volume chronicles the kimono’s dynamic role against the backdrop of social, cultural, and global change.

ISBN: 9783791377278

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Kimono: Images of Culture 1915-1950 in the Khalili Collections

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Артикул: F014191
3 234 грн
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Купити в 1 клік
Автор Jaqueline Atkins
Видавництво Prestel
ISBN 9783791377278
Жанр Антикваріат та предмети колекціонування
Кількість сторінок 320
Ілюстрації Чорно-білі / Кольорові
Мова Англійська
Формат 255x310 мм
Обкладинка Тверда
Вага (грам) 2180
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