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Start your journey to financial success with Female Invest's guide for safe, smart, and sustainable investing. This is an empowering and uplifting money manifesto, aiming to change the tides of financial power.

Are you one of the 68% of women worldwide earning less than a man doing the same job? Then you need to make your money work harder, starting now.

In Girls Just Want to Have Funds, the trio of founders behind the global movement Female Invest bring you an empowering five-step guide with a straight-talking message: you don't have to be an expert or a millionaire to make money. Simply equip yourself with the easy-to-follow golden rules and tools of three finance gurus to find your confidence and open a whole new world of opportunities.

Whether you want to master the art of setting realistic goals, demystify financial jargon and markets, gain independence with a f*ck you fund, or finally get excited about your financial future, find all the answers you need and more with this comprehensive guide. Even if you only have a $1 savings fund to begin with, you too can have a rewarding, limitless life by investing in yourself and this book.

ISBN: 9780241607800

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Girls Just Wanna Have Funds: A Feminist's Guide to Investing

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Артикул: F013445
857 грн
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Автор Anna-Sophie Hartvigsen, Camilla Falkenberg, Emma Due Bitz
Видавництво DK
ISBN 9780241607800
Жанр Популярна психология. Мотивація. Саморозвиток
Кількість сторінок 192
Ілюстрації Кольорові
Мова Англійська
Формат 155x205 мм
Обкладинка Тверда
Вага (грам) 500

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