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Список бажань

The comprehensive guide to preventing Alzheimer's and other thinking disorders, from the leading authority and bestselling author of The Complete Guide to Memory, Dr Richard Restak.

According to the WHO, Alzheimer's ranks as the seventh leading cause of death globally. By 2050, or earlier in the absence of a breakthrough, the number of people aged 65 and older with Alzheimer's is projected to reach 12.7 million people.

But the more you know about dementia, the more tools you'll have to prevent or delay its onset - and the more thoughtfully you'll be able to understand and interact with loved ones living with the condition.

In How to Prevent Dementia, top neurologist Dr Richard Restak arms us with practical advice for how to reduce the risk factors - from better sleep, diet, regular exercise and physical activity to the importance of maintaining social networks and intellectual stimulation, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of new medicines.

Dementias exist on a continuum and by understanding the steps we can take to lessen the odds of developing disease, the illness becomes less anxiety-inducing to comprehend, and we change our understanding of thinking, forever.

ISBN: 9780241688861

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How to Prevent Dementia: An Expert's Guide to Long-Term Brain Health

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Артикул: F013525
1 045 грн
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Купити в 1 клік
Автор Richard Restak
Видавництво Penguin
ISBN 9780241688861
Жанр Медицина. Здоров'я
Кількість сторінок 208
Мова Англійська
Формат 150x235 мм
Обкладинка М'яка
Вага (грам) 280
Рік 2024

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